2014...B-Sides and Snapshots

I agree, it may be a bit late to have a look back at 2014, but my goal was to at least publish this post before the end of 2015 - so I'd call it a success! Anyways, if anyone is still interested in what my past year was like go ahead reading (if that scares you - don't worry, it will mostly be about pictures.)

There's no doubt about it, 2014 was a very quiet year for me - at least when it comes to photography. My job kept me busy throughout the year and I didn't find the time to shoot as often as I would have wanted to. I was "only" able to dedicate 6 weeks to photography related travel (compared to roughly 12 weeks in 2013 and 2012). Of course I managed to get away with a few decent shots, but I didn't really bother to process or publish them and so it comes as no surprise that my blog-archive of 2014 consists of only TWO entries! Don't worry, though - I'm working on processing some of those shots at the moment and they should be finished within the coming, say, 12 months or so...

Anyways, 2014 was another great year - thanks for being part of it!

January & February Colombia

Morning at our high-altitude campsite.

The milky way - one of the main attractions in Parque Nacional Natural El Cocuy

The caribbean paradise of Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona.

1200 steps on the way to Ciudad Perdida.

First view of the Amazon on our descent to the Airport of Leticia.

In the middle of the Jungle.

Overlooking one of the countless bends of Rio Yavarí.

March - Austria

The last night spent in a tent before a 6-month hiatus.

September - Fall in Norway & Sweden

Fall colours.

On the way into Vistasdalen in Sweden.

The Okshornan peaks - taken 90 minutes before Hold your Breath

The Northern Lights waving good-bye on our last evening.

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Don't hesitate to get in touch with me! Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the images, places or whatever you want to know.