Back from Africa

We have just returned from a six week trip to Namibia and South Africa. It feels good being home after driving 11.500km and hardly ever spending two nights at the same place. But still we are almost ready to leave again - this time to Central and South America. I will try to update my blog before leaving again, but time is scarce and the fact, that it's christmas time does not help either.

P.N. Torres del Paine Part 3

I had soon gone to sleep after sunset at Lago Nordenskjöld. When we woke up a cold front had moved over us. Temperature had fallen significantly and the sun was nowhere to be seen. It looked like it could rain any minute and in some parts of the park it even must have been snowing. Now this was the Patagonia we had heard about!

P.N. Torres del Paine Part 2

After a great sunrise photo session I returned to our campsite and we ate our breakfast. Our oatmeal was actually quite tasty and we had even brought a few hard-boiled eggs. It almost felt like home.
After checking the weather report at the park rangers hut (it said: fine) we decided that we wouldn't have to hurry and slowly packed our stuff. We went back in the direction we had come from, following the path leading out of the Valle del Rio Ascencio.

Parque Nacional Torres del Paine

We awoke early in our room in a hospedaje in Puerto Natales. It was dark and the wind was howling. Despite the good weather report it seemed like we were up to typical patagonian weather. This was the first time that I had felt a few concerns when I thought about the upcoming days. We had rented a tent and bought food for 7 days outdoors.

Niedere Tauern

During a recent trip (actually it was work) I was on with a friend of mine, we decided to spend one night photographing in the mountains. We finished work a bit earlier that day and started our ascent around 5pm. Most hikers were already on their way back to their cars or had checked in at one of the two mountain huts.

P.N. Los Glaciares Part 2

My last post Parque Nacional los Glaciares started with a quite spectacular sunrise image of the Fitz Roy Range. It was taken from a lookout called Mirador de los Condores. We had spent the previous evening scouting for locations and watched the sunset from said lookout.

Total Lunar Eclipse

Yesterday, we were lucky in Europe - we could expect to see a total lunar eclipse. In Vienna weather wasn't perfect, and the moon had to pass a layer of clouds before it was visible. Luckily the eclipse wasn't over before.

Parque Nacional Los Glaciares

Patagonia and especially Parque Nacional Los Glaciares is a photographer's dream. I had no idea how beautiful it would be when I was planning our trip. I knew that it was going to be one of the highlights of our 8 weeks trip through southern America, but it turned out to be more than that.


Today I decided to relaunch my blog. Not that it had ever been launched before, but at least I had posted a few pictures. Pictures.. Well, I guess a blog's purpose isn't just displaying pictures. Actually, I wouldn't need a blog if it were just about pictures.